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Fiberglass Surfboards

Everything you need to know about our Fiberglas Surfboards

Which Surfboard is Right for Me

We get a ton of questions from customers who are trying to determine the correct length board to get, so we wanted to make a quick guide to lend some advice in making wise decisions for your quiver. Surfboards are not entirely sized in relation to yo

How Are Fiberglass Surfboards Made

We made a quick video to show the start to finish process of creating a fiberglass surfboard.

Custom Surfboard Order Process

Ordering a custom surfboard requires a bit of extra patience, but allows you the unique opportunity to get the best board to suit your surfing—in the length, color, and finish that you like. Here are a few steps to make your custom surfboard ordering

Custom Board Order - Next Steps

You just ordered a custom Almond Surfboard, here's what happens next... It takes 2-3 months to complete a custom board, depending on seasonal demand.  Every custom surfboard we build touches the hands of no less than eight highly-skilled craftsmen.

Fiberglass Surfboard Care Instructions

When cared for properly, your surfboard will bring you many, many years of enjoyment. This is a quick guide to caring for your surfboards and ensuring their longevity—so your kids can teach their kids to surf on your favorite Almond Surfboard. The wo

What is a Resin Tint

A resin tint is a beautiful way to add color to your surfboard, while accentuating the layers of foam, fiberglass, and wood that make up your board. Unlike paint, a tint doesn't cover up—it magnifies what is already there. Rose-tinted glasses can hel

Surfboard Stringer FAQ

Does the number of stringers in a surfboard really matter?  Well, this is a complex one. I'm going to start with the easy version of the answer first... If you are ordering a custom mid-length or longboard and trying to decide between one stringer or

Pleasant Pheasant vs Joy

We get this question several times every week, from surfers looking to round out the mid-sized portion of their surfboard quivers: Which is going to be better for me, the Joy or the Pleasant Pheasant?. Fortunately, these are two of our best-selling,

Lumberjacks vs Walks on Water vs Logistic

Here's a common question we get, regarding the three square-tailed noserider models we build: what's the difference between the Lumberjack, Walks on Water, and Logistic?. At first glance, each of these longboard models looks fairly similar, but with

Fishes and Small Board FAQ

The primary aim of riding a smaller board is to put yourself on equipment that can explore more parts of a wave.   The added agility of a small board opens up possibilities that are difficult or impossible on larger equipment. This is part 3 of our g

Fin Selection and Placement for Longboards

Fin selection and fin placement are paramount for maximizing your equipment.  Adding the right new fin can unlock your longboard in eye-opening ways.  And conversely, putting the wrong fin in your board will result in your board and your fin fighting

How Long Does it Take to Build a Custom Surfboard

Our goal is to turn custom orders around in approximately 8-10 weeks.  However, more complicated orders like glass-on wooden fins commonly take 10-16 weeks.  We understand the excitement of ordering a new surfboard, and want to do our absolute best t

Where are Almond Surfboards Made

All fiberglass (stock & custom) Almond Surfboards are built start-to-finish at The Waterman's Guild in Santa Ana

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